Easy Homemade Corn Tortillas

Easy Homemade Corn Tortillas
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corn tortillas

Making your own homemade corn tortillas at home might sound intimidating but let me just tell you, it’s absolutely not!

In fact it’s so fun and extremely therapeutic. You’ll see what I am talking about once you actually make them especially if you follow the tips below.

Honestly, I have started making tortillas at home at least once a week because it’s just that easy. It’s a fun project for Ayesha, my 3 year old too. Keeps her very well entertained for a good hour or two during the day. Also, it can be such a good bonding experience for you and your family. Infact, you’ll love making these for date night.

The trick to these easy homemade corn tortillas is the assembly line. Since I make these tortillas just with 3 ingredients. I like to pay more attention to the organization and assembly. It will help you go through the process very smoothly without any frustration and also save a ton of time.

CLICK HERE for an easy recipe for ginger-ale battered fish tacos.

Assembly Line

Form the dough just before you’re ready to make tortillas. It should be a well hydrated dough. You can keep adding a little bit of water as you go if it starts drying out.

Cover the dough with a wet paper towel until you’re ready to start pressing them.

Line your tortilla press with a freezer bag slit from the sides, so just the bottom seam is intact.

Set your comal/griddle on the stove. Turn it on medium high heat on one end and leave the burner off on the other end. You can also use a cast iron skillet.

Start rolling the dough into small golf size balls as you press them.

Line a tortilla warmer or a plate with a kitchen towel to stack tortillas as they come off the comal.

Why are homemade tortillas better than store bought?

Although most Americans use store-bought tortillas for their recipes. Its really hard to find good quality corn tortillas in stores. Flour tortillas that are good quality are still much readily available but its not the same for corn tortillas.

In order to enjoy fresh tortillas, they must be made without any preservatives and therefore homemade is the way to go. Otherwise its rare that the tortillas will taste fresh and pliable because preservatives and most likely they’ve been sitting on the shelves for longer than you think.

Also, homemade is always better than store bought especially if the recipe is so so easy and so delicious.

corn tortillas

Corn Tortillas

Simple and easy homemade corn tortillas made with masa harina , warm water and salt.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 15 tortillas


  • 2 cups Masa harina Maseca brand
  • cups Warm water
  • ½ tsp Salt


Masa Dough

  • In a large bowl, add the flour and warm water. Start adding water slowly.
  • Add salt. Mix using the tips of your fingers until everything is well combined.
  • Let the mixture rest for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, start kneading dough to form a more pliable, less gritty dough. The dough should be well hydrated. Add more water if needed.
  • Create 15 to 16 small golf sized balls and cover with a damp paper towel. Wet hands to easily form balls and to avoid them from sticking to hands.

Forming and Cooking Corn Tortillas

  • Heat a cast iron skillet, comal or griddle on medium high. Make sure its not smoking hot.
  • Line the tortilla warmer with a kitchen towel. This helps create steam and makes the tortilla soft and pliable.
  • Now line your tortilla press or your working station with a cut up freezer ziploc bag. Place the dough on the plastic square sheet and cover the dough with the other half of the sheet.
  • Now flatten the dough using the tortilla press. Press gently without over pressing. Tortillas should be about ⅛ inch thick.
  • Now gently pick up the tortilla with the plastic sheet and rest on your palm. Gently remove the plastic sheet and transfer to other palm. Remove other half of the plastic sheet from the other side of tortilla.
  • Transfer to griddle or comal and let cook on each side for 2-3 minutes. Cook the first side until you see grill marks. The other side should be cooked until it doesn't look raw.
  • Place the tortillas in a tortilla warmer and wrap in kitchen cloth.
Keyword corn tortillas, Homemade Enchilada sauce, mexican food, tortillas

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[…] I used homemade corn tortillas that are super easy to make and just so comforting and delicious. Click here to make your own homemade tortillas. […]

3 years ago

5 stars
you make everything look so simple and easy! never buying store bought tortillas again.